Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I am a Red Cross Volunteer (well, after the background check)

OK, interview was easy. The Red Cross is clearly more concerned with having a warm body to help than about anyone's previous experience/credentials/skills/ability. And that's okay with me too. I wasn't really looking for a drilling of why I've done little besides change diapers and sweep and give orders like "turn the TV off" for the past 6 years. And I think there's a spot for me...with the flexibility and independence that I need right now.

I'm going to join their team of grant writers.

This team (of 3, 4 including me) has just been formed, so there's not really any direction right now, but there are willing bodies - the most important factor.

Not really sure how this will all play out, but I know a little about grant writing, I've reviewed and evaluated grantees before (that's got to count for something!) and I can work from home doing the research and putting things together. And pretty much ALL non-profits need grant writers-- and since I'll likely end up at a non-profit when I head back to work in a few years, this could be good experience without the pressure.

This, I think I can do.


Sandy said...

oh... this sounds really cool Katy. Congratulations!