Thursday, July 1, 2010


Seven days on the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, just me, my guy, and those kiddos. A 40 ft. sailboat and the skipper. Long days on the boat with nothing to do but talk, read, play card games (well, poker), nap, and eat. Daily snorkeling in blue, blue, blue (did I mention that it was blue?) water. A pod of dolphins swimming right with the front of our boat, jumping in the wake and playing all around us. Shifting our eating times to the Greeks- lunch at 3:00pm, dinner at 9:30, out until after midnight (with kids!). Watching two World Cup games each night, cheering for Greece, for the US, for Germany. Drooling over Greek salads and calamari, grilled feta, yum! Rocking to sleep each night on the boat.

Three days in Ancient Athens looking at 2500 year old ruins, monuments, and artifacts, the beginnings of civilization.

Great, great vacation. Amazingly memorable. Which is a really good thing, because if you want to see the pictures? You'll have to ask that cabby who took us from the port to Athens. It's likely he found my camera that I left in the back of the cab. I'm sure if you find him, he'll be happy to share the great photos I took. It should be easy: he's Greek, doesn't speak English, and works independently. And he's probably all over the city taking lots of cool pictures. C'est la vie.


Tisha said...

Oh darn that cabby with your camera!! Would LOVE to see the photos. Sounds like an excellent trip. What memories you are making with your kids!